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CSAIR Gala Registration 2025

I'd like to Attend the Gala

I would like to purchase tickets to the Gala at $180 per ticket. Please note, there is a 10 ticket maximum. If you prefer to make a donation only to the Gala 2025, please make your donation at the bottom of the form.

Names of People who will be attending the Gala

I/we have allergies or issues with the following:

For those who are buying any of the full page journal ad options, attendance by one person is included with your purchase.

For those who are not planning on attending the Gala, you can purchase a journal ad and raffle tickets without purchasing a ticket to the Gala. 100% of your donation will go to CSAIR.

For those who would like to attend but for whom purchasing a ticket is financially burdensome, please reach out to Rabbi Greenberg. 

I'd like to buy a virtual journal ad.

Use these ads to honor our honorees, to recognize members of our clergy and staff, to thank a special person in your life, to send a message of hope, to celebrate any major lifecycle milestone from the recent past or looking forward to in 2025.  We encourage group ads as well as ads by individuals.  For those who paid for their journal ad through their membership, check “no ad” and compose your text in the box below.

*One Gala ticket is included with all full-page ads.

I’d like to buy tickets for the 50/50 Raffle

   Single Tickets
   3 Tickets

Enter for your chance to win! Winner receives 50% of the total raffle revenue collected. Attendance is not required. Winner will be selected at the Gala.  The cost per raffle ticket is $50.

I'd like to make a donation to the Gala and/or make a payment to a group ad

Total Due

Mon, February 10 2025 12 Shevat 5785